
Togher N.S. will use the Seesaw app. for this period of remote learning.

Seesaw is a digital portfolio tool which allows pupils to store their work in an online space and gain feedback from their teacher. It can be used on a computer or tablet. It effectively enables teachers to set tasks or assignments and include instructions or templates for students to use at home.

STEP 1: Go to or Download the Seesaw Class App for Your Child
Your child will use the Seesaw Class app for home learning.
✓ Laptops + Computers: Visit
✓ Tablets + Mobile Devices: Download or update the Seesaw Class app in your device’s app store. If you already have the app, make sure it is updated

STEP 2: Help Your Child Log In to Seesaw
Click ‘I’m a Student’
Log in as directed by your student’s teacher or school:
✓ Your child may log in with a Home Learning Text or QR Code
Learn how to use Seesaw: Tour the Class App

✓ Make sure your child is signing in to the CLASS app (Students cannot complete remote learning activities on the Family app)
✓ Make sure your child clicks ‘I’m a Student’
✓ Make sure your child enters login credentials as shown with no typos; if scanning a code, make sure to stand far enough away for the entire code to be scanned
STEP 3: Explore Learning Resources from Seesaw

✓ Learning at Home Tips for Families
✓ Home Learning Ideas that Don’t Require Technology
✓ Sample Daily Schedule

Aistear – Shopping

Aistear is the early childhood curriculum framework, and highlights the importance of play in teaching young children about the world around them. We have been using Aistear in Togher N.S. for several years now and the younger children have really enjoyed the variety of fun learning experiences they have had.

Every two weeks the children are introduced to a new topic/theme in their classroom and enjoy lots of different activities and types of play.

Let’s take a look at the different types of play:

  • Creative play – the children explore their creative side through painting, playing with bits and bobs and recycled materials, working with play-dough and clay, and using their imaginations. They have been making some wonderful creations!
  • Physical play – the children have the opportunity to build and create using lots of different materials – Lego, blocks, recycled materials (cartons, boxes etc.). They also learn through exploration in the sand and water areas.

Pretend play –

  • Role-play: The children dress up and act out scenes – at the restaurant, the post office, the supermarket etc. They have lots of fun with this activity!
  • Small world play: The children develop their imagination through playing with figurines, dolls houses, fire stations etc. They can create any characters and scenes that they want.

Aistear – Clothes shopping

The Aistear theme this month was clothes shopping. The Aistear – Early Childhood Curriculum Framework, celebrates early childhood as a time of being, and of enjoying and learning from experiences as they unfold.

Dates to Remember

Upcoming Events

Saturday, 10th March – Assessment Test & Options Presentation 9.15am to 12.30am in M.I.C.C. (6th class only)

Monday, 12th March – FAI 5 a side soccer blitz in Clonakilty (4th – 6th) Separate letter issued.

Wednesday, 14th March – A representative from the Credit Union will call for the Savings Scheme

Sunday, 18th March – St Patrick’s Day Parade in Dunmanway

Monday, 19th March – School Closed

Monday, 26th March – School Closed for Easter Holidays

Monday, 9th April – School will re-open after Easter break

Pancakes and Banana Muffins

Everyone in the school was treated to pancakes this week. We had various toppings such as fresh lemons, lime, blueberries and strawberries. They were scrumptious! Thanks to Lisa and Lucia for all their help.


Making banana muffins with Karen was a great treat last week.  We look forward to our next session of baking in the near future.


Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools

The Department of Education published “Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools 2017” on the 11th of December.   This replaces current policy.   The new procedures take account of the Children First Act, 2015 and the “Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children” published by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs in 2017.   Schools must meet the new Child Safeguarding Statement requirements by the 11th March 2018.

Schools will be permitted two separate half-day school closures during the 2017/18 school year to allow time to engage with the revised procedures and to access the support available.   Therefore pupils will be allowed home at noon on Wednesday 14th and Friday 23rd of February.



Our Junior and Senior Infants are enjoying Aistear again this year. Working on a new theme each month the children learn new vocabulary, develop their problem solving skills, work as part of a team as well as developing communication and play skills.


Food Dudes

Togher N.S. is selected  to participate in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme, which aims to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables. Health experts recommend that children (and adults) eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day. However, many children currently eat less than this.
The programme is managed in Ireland by Bord Bia and receives financial support from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the European Union through the School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme – under which the EU has made funds available for the purchase and distribution of fruit and vegetables to schools.
The aim of the programme is to encourage children to try fruit and vegetables and come to enjoy the taste of the foods. They also come to think of themselves as healthy eaters who enjoy fruit and vegetables. The programme takes only a small amount of time in school but will hopefully result in health benefits for all who participate.

We will give parents more details of this initiative next week.

Tráth na gCeist 2017

Bhain an paistí ó rang a trí go rang a sé taitneamh as Tráth na gCeist an tseachtain seo caite.

Bhí ocht babhta le sé cheist i ngach babhta.

Bhuaigh  Dara & Tómas Tráth na gCeist 2017.

Maths Week 2016

maths-weekTogher N.S. has registered to participate in Maths Week 2016 which will take place from the 15th to the 23rd of October.

Maths Week Ireland promotes, awareness, appreciation and understanding of maths through a huge variety of events and activities.  The children in the senior classes and middle are using an interactive maths site – Manga High. is one of the world’s first games-based-learning sites, where students learn Mathematics via purpose-built casual games that balance fun and learning.  Each student will have their own unique log in ID and password.