West Cork Schools to Lead The Way in Robotics

We are delighted to announce that we will participate in the School Excellence Fund—Digital. The Department of Education invited proposals before the Easter holidays and they received a huge number of applications for this funding.

Our project will develop an educational environment integrating robotics and coding for the exploration and learning of Science, Technology and Engineering and Maths (STEM) concepts.

We have a proven track record of proactively using I.C.T. and hold a Digital School of Distinction award—a prestigious award which promotes, recognises and encourages best practice use of technology in primary schools. This funding should allow us to further enhance our use of I.C.T. and deliver the best educational experience for our pupils through information and computer technology.

Togher N.S. has formed a cluster with Drinagh N.S. and Cappabue N.S. and will be advised by Gavin Russell (Dara & Gráinne’s father) a lecturer in U.C.C.

Togher N.S were delighted recently to accept a generous donation of computers and robotic kits from the School of Computer Science and Information Technology U.C.C. We would like to thank Gavin for his involvement in this.