Visitor to School

We were delighted to welcome Michael Burke from
The Heritage Council. We learnt all about seaweed!
Here is a wonderful report written by Rachel :
Today Michael Burke came to the school. We were going to go down to the garden but sadly it was too wet. So we went to plan B. Instead he decided to bring in various types of seaweed such as sea lettuce, sea spaghetti, bladder wrack, sea kelp and more! We didn’t realize how much some seaweed is actually in our daily lives!
When it finally dried up he took 3rd-6th outside to the garden and told us the names of some of the weeds and what needed to go, plus he told us we should put the sea weed on some of our plants in the garden to help them grow.
He showed us two recipes that include seaweed Laminaria soup and carrageen moss blancmange.

