RTE Radio Play

West Cork Education Centre, in collaboration with RTE Junior and Victor Hayes, Drama Facilitator recently announced that the ‘School Playtime’ Initiative would be available to schools again this year. We are delighted to announce that our application was successful and the pupils from 5th and 6th class have been selected to participate in the RTE ‘School Playtime’ Initiative.
The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland has granted funding to support this Initiative.

We will have the opportunity to devise, record and air our own short Radio-Play on the station’s RTE Junior Radio.

Pupils will learn how drama works on radio, creating a new script, microphone & recording techniques, sound effects, the editing process and more. A sound-editing workshop for teachers will also be organised as part of the project.

Our radio play will be broadcast during 2015.
Click here to listen to our last radio play which was recorded in recent years!  

Film in School Awards

The annual ‘Oscars for Primary schools’ takes place at the Helix in Dublin on Tuesday, November 4th.

Togher N.S. have been invited to accept their award  and will be represented by Ms O’ Connell, Kate and Aoife.

This is the 10th anniversary of the Film in Schools project which has succeeded in helping children to explore curricular topics and develop skills in moving-image literacy, communication and teamwork in an engaging and child-centred way.

 We hope to have a link to  our award winning “Baby’s  Big Adventure” on this blog  in the next few days.

Another Film Award for Togher N.S.

untitledWe are delighted to inform you that our film “Baby’s Big Adventure”  is one of those awarded the honour of “Highly Commended” by Films in Schools.   A teacher and two pupils are cordially invited to attend the National FÍS Film Festival in the Helix Theatre in Dublin on Tuesday, 4th November 2014 to represent the class and collect their award.

FÍS has proved to be a most exciting and innovative project involving primary school children from around Ireland.

Congratulations to all involved in producing the film!



Creative School Award

The Association for Creativity and Arts in Education presented the Creative School Award to Togher National School recently as the school was successful in meeting the criteria outlined by the Association.  Dáire Hayes and Michael Cronin along with Mary Keane travelled to the Ark Cultural Centre for Children in Dublin to accept the award on behalf of the school.   The author Siobhan Parkinson presented the award to Dáire and Michael.  Ms. Parkinson stated that she particularly liked our project  as it was planned in a similar way to the way she plans and writes her books.  Many of the invited guests visited Dáire and Michael’s table to discuss our project.  Both boys were very articulate and well able to answer all the questions.  They showed examples of our work on the ipad and in hard copy.  Many commented on the neat handwriting and wonderful drawing.

Dáire, Michael and Mrs Keane enjoyed a nice lunch after the event.  They visited some historical sites and monuments of interest before returning home, tired but happy.



Creative School Awards 2014

We are delighted to inform you that our school was successful in meeting the criteria for the Creative Schools Award 2014

The Association for Creativity and Arts in Education wishes to celebrate the work done by the participating schools and will  present the Awards to the successful schools in the near future.  Read all about the process in our drama blogs.


Film in Schools

FÍS is a successful film project currently thriving in primary schools across Ireland. The initiative encourages children to explore the medium of film in the primary classroom developing essential skills in moving-image literacy, communication, teamwork, visual arts and even numeracy …… oh yes, and it’s also lots of fun!

The pupils of 4th, 5th  and 6th have a script complied and hope to commence filming outdoors this Friday – weather permitting!